
Our Work

Our Grant Process

Currently, we accept proposals for funding by invitation only. To learn more, visit the contact page on our website and fill out the submission form with “funding inquiry” as the topic line. We may issue an open call for grant applications in one or both strategic funding areas. We primarily fund proposals that respond to two key areas:

  • Building a more diverse health care workforce
  • Improving key conditions that affect health

Photo courtesy of MSU Denver.

Photo courtesy of CHFA.

Funding Eligibility

We prioritize funding for projects and programs serving priority populations residing in Adams, Arapahoe, Denver, and Douglas counties and/or support certain statewide efforts. Organizations invited to apply for funding must be one of the following:

  • Tax-exempt 501(c)(3) or
  • Operating under a fiscal sponsorship agreement with a tax-exempt organization as the fiscal sponsor

The Foundation does not fund sponsorships. Please contact Colorado Access here for sponsorship requests.

Our Impact Strategy

Our impact strategy, also known as a theory of change, outlines the purpose behind our investments and how we aim to achieve lasting and meaningful impact within our focus areas. It is available in English and Spanish.


Invited Grants

Invited grants are systems-level investments in work that furthers our strategic priorities and advances health equity for Coloradans. Partners are invited to submit funding applications based on established expertise and strongly aligned vision and goals.

Colorado Blueprint to End Hunger, a project of Trailhead ($500,000)

Award timeline: 2023-2025
Geographic focus area: Statewide
Colorado Blueprint to End Hunger received program funding to support a statewide media campaign focused on promoting the implementation of Healthy School Meals for All in Colorado. The campaign supports school districts’ provision of free school meals by encouraging families to participate in school meals and complete federal Free and Reduced Lunch applications, and by encouraging community members to fill positions in school dining rooms.

The Fax Partnership ($124,889)

Award timeline: 2023-2024
Geographic focus area: Adams County, Arapahoe County, Denver County
The Fax Partnership received program funding to support the acquisition of an East Colfax motel followed by property rehabilitation and conversion to housing, in partnership with Children’s Hospital.

Center for African American Health ($300,000)

Award timeline: 2023-2025
Geographic focus area: Adams County, Arapahoe County, Boulder County, Broomfield County, Denver County, Douglas County, Jefferson County
Center for African American Health received general operating support to invest in high impact areas to advance health equity for the Black community. Organizational goals include expanding nonclinical supports for community members and leveraging advocacy to help Colorado develop a more culturally reflective and responsive healthcare workforce.

Hunger Free Colorado ($425,000)

Award timeline: 2023-2026
Geographic focus area: Statewide
Hunger Free Colorado received general operating support to help with ongoing efforts, including the following programs: SNAP Outreach, Community Organizing (with a focus on Healthy School Meals for All), and Policy Advocacy.

Tepeyac Community Health Center ($350,000)

Award timeline: 2023-2024
Geographic focus area: Denver County
Tepeyac Community Health Center received program funding to support Tepeyac Health Center’s new pharmacy in Globeville Elyria-Swansea (GES). This included hiring two employees; a bi-lingual, multi-cultural pharmacist and a compliance manager to facilitate licensure, build out pharmacy systems, and assure compliance. Before Tepeyac opened this pharmacy site, GES residents lacked access to convenient, affordable, and accessible pharmacy services.

Metropolitan State University (MSU) Denver Foundation ($1,195,680)

Award timeline: 2023-2026
Geographic focus area: Statewide, Adams County, Arapahoe County, Denver County
Metropolitan State University (MSU) Denver Foundation received program funds to contribute towards MSU Denver’s Health Care Career Pipeline Program, which supports students at critical points in their education journey: activating interest in health careers among community college students, supporting and ensuring the retention of undergraduate students in health-related fields, and removing the final hurdles for graduate students close to entering the clinical workforce. Over three years, this grant award serves 30 community college students, 60 undergraduate Health Scholars, 13 graduate students, and countless future students and community members who will pursue degrees within and receive clinical services from the Health Institute at MSU Denver.

Foundation for Sustainable Urban Communities ($879,147)

Award timeline: 2024-2026
Geographic focus area: Adams County, Arapahoe County, Denver County
Foundation for Sustainable Urban Communities received program funding to address health disparities in the “be well Zone” of Northeast Denver and Northwest Aurora by establishing a trained network of certified Community Health Workers (CHWs) and creating a pathway to healthcare careers, predominantly for low-income individuals of color. Building upon the successes of the Block Captains program, the project will enhance their skills, increase their numbers, and expand their reach to effectively support more individuals within the community.

Children's Hospital Colorado Foundation ($713,775)

Award timeline: 2024-2027
Geographic focus area: Adams County, Arapahoe County
Children’s Hospital Foundation received program funding to the adoption and scale of Children’s Hospital Foundation’s “Food as Medicine” program to Adams County children and families. The program involves leveraging the expertise of primary care clinics, food suppliers, and community partners to ensure children and families have access to affordable and nutritious food for optimal health and well-being.

Kids First Health Care ($400,000)

Award timeline: 2024-2027
Geographic focus area: Adams County
Kids First Health Care received general operating support to ensure the successful launch of a new pediatric primary care clinic in Westminster, co-located with Maiker Housing Partners’ housing communities and community gardens.

TGTHR ($300,000)

Award timeline: 2024-2026
Geographic focus area: Denver County
TGTHR received program funding to support organizational health during program expansion at their new site, Nest56 at Denargo Market in Denver. This site provides transition-age youth with supportive housing alongside behavioral health care and wraparound services. Funding supports services as TGTHR establishes Medicaid revenue to sustain the program, hires a clinician to oversee behavioral health services, and builds a responsive service model with support from interns and contract clinicians.

The Fax Partnership ($375,000)

Award timeline: 2024-2027
Geographic focus area: Adams County, Arapahoe County, Denver County
The Fax Partnership received program funding to support the development of affordable housing units in the East Colfax corridor to prevent displacement, improve housing stability, and promote community health.

Metropolitan State University (MSU) Denver Foundation ($239,311)

Award timeline: 2024-2025
Geographic focus area: Statewide, Adams County, Arapahoe County, Denver County
MSU Denver recieved program funding to support their 4+1 MSW Scholars Program. This program offers financial and programmatic support to undergraduate and graduate students attaining their master’s degree in social work.

Impact Investments

Impact investments are intended to produce both social and financial returns. This type of funding includes mission related investments (MRI) and program related investments (PRI).

Housing to Health ($750,000)

Award timeline: 2022-2029
Geographic focus area: Denver County
Colorado Access Foundation is among a group of private impact investors and philanthropic partners financing the Denver Housing to Health (H2H) Pay for Success Project. The project aims to disrupt the cycle of homelessness, jail, and emergency health services and to understand how supportive housing impacts health care use and associated costs.

Dearfield Fund for Black Wealth ($250,000)

Award timeline: 2024-2025
Geographic focus area: Statewide
Colorado Access Foundation is among a group of funders supporting the Dearfield Fund for Black Wealth, which assists Black and African American communities in building a foundation of intergenerational wealth and financial well-being, primarily through home ownership. The fund provides up to $40,000 in down-payment assistance to first-time Black and African American homebuyers in Colorado in addition to wrap-around support throughout the client’s homeownership journey.

Opportunity Fund Grants

Opportunity fund grants leverage flexible funding to ensure existing grant outcomes, respond to unforeseen community needs, and support initiatives that may or may not fall directly within our main priority areas. These awards are considered on a case-by-case basis and are normally $50,000 or less.

Rose Community Foundation Newcomers Fund ($25,000)

Award timeline: 2023
Geographic focus area: Denver County
The Newcomers Fund supports Colorado nonprofits providing essential services to the migrant population fleeing unrest in South and Central America. These organizations are helping to address immediate needs, including emergency shelter, clothing, meals and medical care, and long-term needs employment opportunities, transportation, community navigation and integration.

Justice for Black Coloradans Racial Equity Study ($50,000)

Award timeline: 2024-2025
Geographic focus area: Statewide
SB 24-053, the Justice for Black Coloradans bill, was signed into law on June 4th, 2024. The Colorado legislature must create a fourteen-member Racial Equity Commission and authorize History Colorado to conduct a Racial Equity Study. Upon completion of the study, in three years, the Commission will deliver to the state legislature 1) documentation of racial harm, 2) an economic impact analysis of that harm, and 3) policy proposals to remedy documented harms. These outcomes advance clear objectives of systemic and transformational racial equity for Black Coloradans. The Foundation’s contribution counts towards the funding requirement that must be met for the study to be completed.

Caring for Colorado Choose When ($25,000)

Award timeline: 2024-2025
Geographic focus area: Statewide
Caring for Colorado Choose When received contribution towards a fund for mini grants to safety net clinics, public health agencies, school-based health centers, and rural health clinics across Colorado to cover the costs of contraceptive resources, particularly long-acting methods. This funding will help them provide the full range of contraceptive care options, reducing financial barriers to contraception.

End-of-Year Giving

Each December, we host an end-of-year giving program to award funding across various local, mission-related nonprofits. As part of this process, Colorado Access staff nominate organizations to receive funding from the Colorado Access Foundation. This serves to recognize and appreciate Colorado Access employees for their work to advance health equity. It is also an opportunity for Colorado Access staff to elevate organizations that are personally meaningful to them.

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“Tepeyac Community Health Center is proud to be opening a new on-site pharmacy at our health center in summer 2023. Access to affordable medications and culturally appropriate services will serve not just our health center patients, but also our surrounding neighbors. The opening of our pharmacy would not have been possible so quickly without the support of the Colorado Access Foundation, and we are truly grateful on behalf of our patients and community.”

- Pamela Valenza, MD, MPH, Tepeyac Community Health Center